
Celebrating Earth Day with a Cigar  Coffee Shop Affair  Sunshine Kitty Zum Zum Ladies    Ladies in the Lobby of the Hotel Albert      Family Room in Trinidad  Travel Agent on 14th St.    Officer in Uniform    Two Hot Dogs    Earth Day Youth  Lunch Break       Two Girls One Toy    Little Girl in the Lobby of the Hotel Albert      Surprise    Man on Stoop      Earth Day Ladies  Cigarette Girl at the Ritz  Firefighters on W 11th St.     Fire on W 11th St.  Roller Head    Girl on a Ferry      Zeda    Katz      Gypsy Family in the Lower East Side      Sketch Artist    Villagers    Half a Mannequin      Baby with Attitude  Debbie Dancing  Bicycle Built for Two  The Accusation    Elevator Operator
Celebrating Earth Day with a Cigar